When you pay with your card, the merchant requires pre-authorization to make sure your account has the funds needed for payment.
The payment terminal (TPE) communicates with the creditor bank in real time, which allows for an almost immediate response to the pre-authorization request. To do this, it must be connected to the Internet. In fact, without a connection, the TPE will not be able to send the authorization request, which is essential for payment validation.
This generally happens with payments:
of underground parking lots
from bars/restaurants on trains or ships
at self-service ticket vending machines.
For your parking space, we suggest that whenever possible, you make payment at the parking attendants. Alternatively, subscribe to the Telepass device to pay for your parking spaces with security.
☝️ Good to know: Qonto is not affiliated with Viacard and Telepass Business services. This means that:
You can apply for a new consumer Telepass service, dedicated to individuals, or have the cost of an existing consumer Telepass charged on Qonto
You cannot apply for a Viacard business and open a new Telepass business service on Qonto, but you can designate the Qonto account to charge an existing Telepass business service.