How many cards can I have with my Qonto account?

  • Updated

Qonto has received an order from Bank of Italy to enhance its anti-money laundering measures in its Italian branch. For this reason the subscription of new debit cards is temporarily suspended. At the moment you can only renew expiring or lost cards.


Each user can have up to 5 active physical cards. If your team is made up of 20 employees, all having access to the company’s Qonto account, each of them can have 5 active physical cards, for a total of 100 cards.


Depending on the plan you chose, a number of Qonto cards are included. You have the possibility to combine physical and virtual cards and Instant* to suit your needs.


☝️ Good to know: Virtual cards are free and unlimited for Smart, Essential, Premium, Business (Advanced) or Enterprise plans. For more details about our pricing, click here.


*Instant card is only available on Business (Advanced) and Enterprise plans.