You can make a transfer in Japanese Yen through our partner, Wise, which enables you to process it using local network. However, it is crucial that all beneficiary information matches exactly; otherwise, the transfer will be rejected. This article provides detailed instructions on how to correctly complete each field for a Japanese beneficiary.
How to make a transfer?
From the Business Account section, click on Transfers and select Make a Transfer.
Then, press International Transfer, enter your amount in Euro and pick the JPY currency.
Once you click on Continue, ****select and/or create a new beneficiary.
What information do I need about my recipient?
All details regarding your beneficiary must have a 100% match. A mismatch will highly likely cause a delay or rejection of your transfer.
- Beneficiary’s name:
Please enter the name exactly as it appears on the beneficiary’s Japanese bank account (it is usually written in カタカナ Katakana). It must correspond to the name order in your client’s bank book (printed in the first page of the bank book).
The account holder name that the bank has for the customer should be printed in that page, so it is important to enter the exact name that is shown in that page.
💡 If your beneficiary does not have a bankbook, then they can find the katakana name on the online bank website by accessing their account details/registration details section.
For native Japanese beneficiaries, the name must be in Japanese katakana. The name order would be family name + first/given name.
For non-Japanese beneficiaries, most banks require Japanese katakana but some do have the names in Latin letters.
Business recipients names are also in katakana, including the legal abbreviation of the business type, most commonly a version of カ)
Then, please select the amongst the suggested list:
- Bank name: when selecting it from the dropdown list, either the katakana or latin version will be accepted
- Branch name: there will also be a list once you have entered the bank name
- Account type:
(普通 フツウ Futsuu),Savings deposit
(貯蓄 チョチク Chochiku),Checking/Current
(当座 トウザ Touza) - Account number: a 7 digit account number
- Indicate the reason for the transfer.
How long does it usually take for the money to arrive?
Once we receive and convert your money, it will take 1 working day to arrive in your recipient’s bank account. Conversion can take up to 2 working days.
We will always give you an estimate for how long your transfer will take when you set it up on the One last look view.