When you do an account opening at Qonto, you may be asked to provide us with a recent proof of address.
Find below the list of documents accepted by our services:
An invoice from an internet or telephone provider, issued less than 3 months ago.
An invoice from an energy supplier (electricity, water, gas), issued less than 3 months ago.
A certificate of contract holder from your energy supplier, generally available on the customer area (provided by EDF for example), issued less than 3 months ago.
A payment schedule from an energy supplier(electricity, water, gas), issued less than 6 months ago.
A rent receipt, issued less than 3 months ago.
A rental lease, signed less than 3 months ago.
An invoice or certificate of home insurance, issued less than 3 months ago.
A home insurance contract signed less than a year ago or a due notice dated less than a year ago.
An invoice or contract for the collection of garbage, issued less than a year ago.
A tax notice or a notice of non-taxation: The last valid income tax notice (less than 1 year old) or the Housing Tax (less than 1 year old) or Property Tax (less than 1 year old).
A notarial deed of less than one year.
👆 Good to know: it is necessary that the document you send includes the postal address of your place of consumption. We take into account the place of consumption and not the address of the mailbox.
If you do not have a proof of address at your first and last name, you can provide us :
A certificate of accommodation dated and signed by the hosting provider.
A color copy of your hosting provider's identity document. (What kind of identity documents are accepted by Qonto?)
A proof of residence on behalf of your hosting provider (see the list of accepted documents above).
⚠️ Important: In order to validate your file quickly, your proof of address must:
Be in color
Be perfectly readable and crisp (it must not be blurred or stained, no shadow or flash must hinder the document)
Be complete (truncated documents will be refused)
Indicate a consumption address identical to the one you entered when registering
Be part of the list indicated at the beginning of the page
Coming from a member country of the European Union or the EFTA area.
Be preferably in PDF format (downloaded directly from your customer area)