What activities are prohibited at Qonto?

  • Updated

Companies primarily engaged in the following industries (not limited) are not allowed to open a Qonto account:

  • Accessibility diagnosis (Ad'Ap)

  • Activities related to the sale of products based on cannabis or its derivatives (leaves, flowers, resin, CBD, HHC) with a THC content of more than 0.3% for the companies in France and 0.2% for the companies in Germany, Italy and Spain or not indicated.

  • Activities related to the mining industry

  • Activities related to Energy Efficiency Certificates (CEE) or issuing carbon credits

  • Any illegal activity

  • Auction houses, artwork Selling

  • Cartomancy, fortune-telling, clairvoyance, astrology, tarology

  • Casinos and gambling and any participation to online raffle draws

  • Factoring, Debt collection activities

  • Financial/fiscal agent activity if not registered with a regulator

  • Holding a marketplace

  • Hunting, trapping and related service activities

  • Insurance brokerage activity if not registered with an administration

  • Management of funds, portfolio, and collective investments if not registered with a regulatory authority.

  • Military activities, including the sale of weapons, military vehicles, and their copies

  • Mining, staking, creation and/or marketing of NFTs, blockchain development, development of wallets (hot & cold wallets), decentralised exchange, PSAN activity without registration.

  • Money transfer platforms, remittance services, P2P ("peer-to-peer" or "person-to-person ") payment services

  • Online and in-store sales of industrial or cosmetic chemicals.

  • Online and in-store sale, import, and export of protein powders and food supplements that don't comply with European regulations and anti-doping recommendations

  • Online and in-store sale of medicines, including their import-export

  • Online file sharing

  • Sale of mobile SIM cards and top-up cards

  • Sex (pornography, sex toys, escorting, prostitution)

  • Sale of goods/services that may harm, or damage the image, honor, or reputation of others

  • Striptease clubs, nightclubs

  • Tobacco or smoking products (e-liquids)

  • Trading/brokerage platform or any activity related to currencies, precious metals, gemstones, other products, securities

  • Unlicensed payment services (crowdfunding, crowdlending, marketplace)

💡 In some cases, additional information may be requested. Our teams will contact you to review your activity.