During the registration process, we ask you to have at hand the Registration document of your Company (Visura Camerale) in order to be able to provide all the information requested by Qonto.
Below you will find a a glossary to understand which information we need and where to find the data that will be requested to complete the registration.
Company name (Ragione Sociale): The name of the company as per the Commercial Register (e.g., xxx SRL);
Legal form: This field specifies the company's legal form (i.e., Sole proprietorship, SAS, SRL, SRLS, SPA);
Legal registration date (data d'iscrizione): The exact date when the company has been registered within the chamber of commerce;
Your company's registration number: this is the REA number that can be found right below the PEC address in the Registration document of your company. 👉 If you are a free-lancer, you will need to provide us with your TAX code;
EU VAT number (Partita Iva comunitaria): The VAT number that allows for intra-community commercial operations with countries belonging to the European Community.