If your association is a territorial branch (local, provincial, regional), you will need to provide us with the following documentation to proceed with your registration for Qonto:
Your Association is registered to the Chamber of Commerce:
Visura camerale not older than three months.
Bylaws of Association of the branch you are registering for, signed and stamped by the Agenzia delle Entrate*;
Certificate of allocation of the fiscal code signed and stamped by the Agenzia delle Entrate**.
*Alternatively, we can also accept the copy of its electronic receipt.
**We can also accept its electronic copy, containing the Association’s information and the fiscal code/VAT.
If your association does not have its own bylaw, but adopts the one of the head office, we will ask you to provide:
The statutes of the head office, mentioning that the territorial branch adopts the statutes of the head office. The document needs to be signed and stamped by the Agenzia delle Entrate*.
If the general bylaws has no mention of the territorial branch association adopting the bylaws of the head office, you may provide us with the minutes of incorporation of the territorial association, in which your association agrees to adopt the bylaws of the head office.
This document also needs to be signed and stamped.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at iscrizione@qonto.com